385 Vantage Drive, Orleans ON, K4A 3W2

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613-841-5550 Book An Appointment

Freqently Asked Questions

After working with various clients over the years at Precision Automotive in Orleans, we have realized that many drivers are dealing with similar problems with their vehicles. We have complied a list of some of the most frequent questions and problems that we encounter, in hopes that it will help you address your vehicle issues as quickly as possible. If you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our technicians for answers.

auto repair faq


Q: My “Check Engine” light is on, should I bring my car to the garage right away?
A: Yes. There are a number of systems faults that could cause the “Check Engine” light to turn on, and leaving any of them unaddressed could lead to severe engine problems. When the light comes on, or starts flashing, bring your vehicle to our certified technicians for a proper diagnostic.

Q: What are the benefits of being part of the NAPA® Autopro family?
A: NAPA® Autopro has been working with drivers and mechanics across Canada for over 31 years. By being a member, it gives our technicians access to a nation-wide network of parts, equipment and information. If we do not have the correct part for your car on-site, we can get it quickly and simply from another NAPA® Autopro repair shop.

Q: How does your maintenance tracker work?
A: We maintain an in-house computer system that will archive all the maintenance work that we have performed on your vehicle. The next time you bring your car to our shop, we can pull up your complete history in a few simple clicks and our technicians can see every bit of maintenance that has been performed. This can be a great asset because it helps us when we’re trying to trouble shoot a problem, and we can easily keep track of the seasonal maintenance that your vehicle needs to operate at its best.

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