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Although Canada is predominately a cold country, the summers can get really hot! This is why we believe it is important to ensure your car’s air conditioning is always working properly.
It is also important to keep the other components of your automobile cool. To move your car forward, the engine of a typical four-cylinder automobile creates around 4,000 blasts each minute. These blasts produce tremendous temperatures, which may be exceedingly costly without a working cooling system.
Getting your air conditioner checked out if you’re asking, “Why is my car AC leaking?” is a good idea. In addition to low pressure in your AC unit, the actual draining of coolant around your car might be a symptom of a leak. Nevertheless, the majority of leaks are very tiny and difficult to detect. Other, more significant issues might arise as a result of leaks. If you suspect a leak, schedule an appointment with our vehicle air conditioning repair shop as soon as possible.
Of course, you can! Our team is excited to get your car’s AC repaired! We take pride in doing our best to ensure our customers are comfortable and safe as they drive along the busy roads. Visit us at 385 Vantage Drive, Orleans ON, for all your car ac repairs in Nepean Ontario.
There’s no need to be sweating continuously every time you take a drive!
To learn more about our AC repair services in Nepean, Ontario, you can also give us a call at 613-841-550 or book an appointment online!